STUK - Inclusive installation

Furniture, commissioned work, large scale installation
Virserum, Sweden
June 2019
Stuk, a permanent installation made on commission for the art gallery Virserums Konsthall, tries to embrace the idea of inclusion using simple geometric elements in different sizes in relation to each other. Making the installation ivitive to any and all, it wants to make sure that everyone can participate. 
    For the biannual exhibition “Trä” (swedish for “wood”) local designers were encouraged through an open call to use wood to design permanent seating arrangements that were to be built for the art gallery. The arrangement tries to be inclusive, allowing adults to sit and children to play, with a relatively simple construction. Situated just outside of the café, it’s frequently used by visitors to take a break outside of the gallery. 
   The installation is made from locally sourced pine wood and multiplex treated with a natural iron vitriol in order to minimize environmental impact. The top has been shaped in such a way to minimize maintenance and the possible impact rain would have had on the furniture. 

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