DENIAL AND TERROR - A sarcastic designers’ dictionary

Graphic design, booklet, linguistic research
Eindhoven, Netherlands
December 2020
The dictionary “Denial and Terror” is a short collection of words frequently used by tutors and students within the university setting of design. Collecting often used words in order to see what they signify to the present community versus their traditional meaning. 
    Using sarcasm and humor to show how the meaning of words may change based on the setting, the dictionary aims to show how absurd the interpretation of words one uses within the educational system can be. Words being used in this specific setting tends to be excluding, overcomplicating certain occurrances instead of clarifying them. The general notion of lack of connection between the eduational institution and the world outside is further exposed through the comparison between interpreted meaning and the meaning the reader might impose on the words.
    The graphic profile, taken from a specific university of design, tries to amplify the experience of the words, showcasing how the institution is creating its own vocabulary: inaccessible to the ones who are not trained and educated by the same institution.
    Read with care and don’t take it too seriously. 

Image appendix